The 80s make us nostalgic… The Museum of Decorative Arts invites us to immerse ourselves in it again through a sublime exhibition, until April 16, 2023.


A source of inspiration

For some time now, the 1980s have been experiencing a powerful revival : they fascinate young designers as much as rising fashion figures, architects and decorators find there a source of inspiration enriched by the infinite possibilities of Postmodernism. No less than 700 works ranging from fashion to furniture, including objects, records and photos await us. It’s time to review the creations of the time of Jean-Paul Gaultier or Thierry Mugler but also of Philippe Starck and Jean-Paul Goude.


A political and artistic turning point

The 80s marked a political and artistic turning point in the fields of fashion, design and graphic design, from the election of François Mitterrand in 1981 until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Viewed with excitement and envy today, the Museum of Decorative Arts has played a considerable role. He exhibited its creators without fear of upsetting received ideas and borders, he acquired their works, often in a pioneering way, he even participated in this artistic explosion by becoming a place of inspiration and a point of reference, in particular with the opening of the Musée des Arts de la Mode in 1986, which quickly became essential for a world of fashion then in full metamorphosis, giving birth to new luxury groups that had become so familiar forty years later.

A context of freedom of expression

A historic decade, which saw the birth of a new generation of designers – Olivier Gagnère, Elizabeth Garouste and Mattia Bonetti, Philippe Starck, Martin Szekely… – in a context conducive to freedom of expression. The silhouette, too, is freed from style injunctions and some fashion designers are elevated to the rank of « superstars » such as Jean Paul Gaultier or Thierry Mugler. Advertising, graphic design and audiovisual experience their boom years with Jean-Paul Goude, Jean-Baptiste Mondino and Étienne Robial. From new wave music to post-punk via hip-hop: it’s a whole history of the party that is written in mythical places frequented by night owls from all over Paris.

MAD Paris

107 Rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris

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